Monday, June 13, 2016

5 Summer Treats to get your kids excited about eating healthy

Everyone loves a frozen treat on a hot summer day.  However, all the freezies, ice cream cones, Popsicles and ice cream bars are full of sugar.  Here are some simple frozen treats you can make at home that will get your kids excited about heathy eating.

Grapesicles:   Put fresh green or red grapes (or a combo of both) on a skewer or Woden stir stick and freeze on a tray.  Once frozen it is sweet, refreshing, frozen treat.

2. Frozen Fruit Smoothy (or ice cream for breakfast):  in a blender or food processor, combine frozen banana pieces, frozen fruit, orange juice and milk.  Blend until smooth but still thick and serve with a spoon.  My kids love this as a breakfast but it makes a great snack or dessert as well.

3.  Banana Ice Cream:  in a blender or food processor, blend 3-4 peeled frozen bananas, 1-2 tbs of water and a splash of vanilla.  Blend until it is smooth but still thick.  Serve right away or freeze in individual cups and serve later (allow to thaw slightly if serving from freezer).  You can also add cocoa or frozen mango or frozen strawberry to add flavour.  

4. Watermelon Popsicles:  this is great for the second half of that huge watermelon you picked up.  In a blender or food processor, blend seedless chunks of watermelon until puréed.  Pour into Popsicle moulds and freeze.   Once frozen, enjoy as a refreshing Popsicle 

5.  #'s 2&3 in Popsicle moulds:  take the frozen Fruit Smoothy or Banana Ice Cream and freeze in Popsicle moulds.  Heathy, sugar free frozen treats!

Monday, July 20, 2015

Healthy Heath: School Safe Recipes, now available at the Amazon KindleStore!!!

Check out my collection of school safe recipies!

Tomato Cucumber Salad

Just had to share this instigram photo

Fresh tomatos, cucumbers, olive oil, vinegar and some Italian spice.  A great summer side dish!

Saturday, May 16, 2015

Family Meal Prep

This morning to start the Victoria Day weekend we had a nice big breakfast of whole wheat waffles and fruit salad.
Using a wavy knife and a melon baller, my 7yearcold and 5 year old were able to make the fruit salad with very little intervention from me.  Allowing me to make the waffles.  
When they are involved in the preparation, they really gobble it up!

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Carrot Cake Triangles or Home made Bear Paws

So all kids know Bear Paws or the store brand Penguins.  My kids of course want them, they are well packaged and full of sugar.  So, here is my attempt toke a Bear Paw like snack for my kids.

I decided to make my first attempt a Carrot Cake version and used this recipe:

You could use oatmeal, or chocolate chip muffin recipes or any other muffin recipe you enjoy.

Here is how I made them Bear Pawish:

That's right, cook them in my Sandwich maker

I put in a small amount of batter to each segment 

Cook until the indicator comes on(or a bit longer) then flip them and cook a few minutes more.

Them let cool on a rack

And Voila!  Carrot Cake Triangles!

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

No Bake Oatmeal Raisin Bars

This super easy snack requires no baking it is quick to make and can be made with any dried fruit. These are vegan and gluten free!

1 1/4 cups raisens (or dates or dried apricots etc...)
3/4 cup of oats
Pinch of salt
1/2 tsp vanilla extract
A small handful of sunflower seeds (optional).

Put all ingredients into a food processor and pulse until the ingredients are mixed and the raisens have formed a paste.
Press into a small baking dish or muffin tins (makes 8 muffin size), I used star shaped silicone moulds.  Refridgerate for about an hour.  Cut into bars and enjoy!

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Coconut Red Lentils

This is a super easy, tasty dish that keeps well in the fridge for up to 3 days.  It is vegan and can be served with brown rice or quinoa.

What you need:
1 lbs dried red lentils rinsed and drained
1 can coconut milk 
1/2 cup coconut palm sugar
Water as needed
Salt and pepper to taste

Combine all ingredients in a large pot and add water to cover.  Bring to a boil then turn down to a simmer.  Simmer stirring occasionally for 1/2 hr to 40 min until the lentils are soft.  Serve over brown rice or quinoa.  Enjoy!!!